Walt Disney + Salvador Dalí = Destino.

Video de parte del equipo encargado de presentar " Surrealismo: El arte del inconsciente "

Como comentamos en clase, Dalí colaboro con Disney para realizar un cortometraje ( en su caso, un short animated cartoon ).

In 1937, Salvador Dali wrote to his dear friend Andre Breton, founder of the surrealist art movement in Paris, and said, “I have come to America and I am in contact with three great American surrealists – the Marx Brothers, Cecil B. DeMille, and Walt Disney.”

Walt Disney found an unexpected artistic soul mate in Salvador Dali, who he may have met as early as 1937. “We have to keep breaking new trails,” Disney said at the time. “Ordinarily good story ideas don’t come easily and have to be fought for. Dali is communicative. He bubbles with ideas.”

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1 comentario:

Fabián Bautista dijo...

No se que piensen ustedes, pero este trabajo de Dalí se ve muy avanzado para su tiempo. Reitero mi fascinación por el surrealismo.